10 Moroccan Drinks To Try In Morocco

Morocco is famous for its beautiful cities and historical architecture. Still, this African country also has some of the most unique beverages in the world. With influence from neighboring countries, Moroccan smoothies, wines, and juices have all shown up on the world stage – for all the right reasons. In this post, we’ll look at 10 Moroccan drinks every traveler must try.

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What Do Moroccans Drink?

Morocco is notoriously warm, so traditional Moroccan drinks are designed to be refreshing under a blazing sun. Minty fruit juices, thirst-quenching beers, and, strangely enough, hot teas are just some of the drinks enjoyed daily by Moroccan people. 

Moroccans also love smoothies, and you’ll see a wide variety of fresh mixes on café and market menus around the country. Focusing on tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, and avocado, Moroccan smoothies are sweet, tangy, and full of essential nutrients for recovery in warmer climes. 

While waters and juices are the most common beverages in Morocco, Moroccan soft drinks also refresh and cool on hot summer days. Cola, grapefruit, and pomegranate are among the most popular Moroccan soft drink flavors, and you’ll find cans of these delicious refreshments in market squares or grocery stores in major cities or large towns. 

Moroccan Drinks To Try When Traveling To Morocco
Moroccan Drinks To Try When Traveling To Morocco

10 Moroccan Drinks To Try In Morocco 

You may not have come to Morocco for the drinks, but they’re certainly worth trying. If you want to expand your tastes during your visit, here are 10 delicious Moroccan drinks that you should try. 

Moroccan Mint Tea

Moroccan Mint Tea

Also known as Moroccan whisky, this traditional Moroccan drink doesn’t have a drop of alcohol in it, but is still high-key delicious.

This sugary, minty drink is a delicious combination of dark tea leaves, brown sugar, and as much fresh mint as you can possibly muster. Crushed, shaken, and poured, Moroccan mint tea is a common accompaniment to traditional Moroccan spicy foods

The best Moroccan mint tea is made fresh in front of you, but if you’re in a hurry, you can find this traditional Moroccan drink served in large vats in restaurants or market squares. Sip with koftas and pita while you explore the beautiful streets. 

Avocado Juice

avocado juice

Sweet? Check. Refreshing? Check. Favorite fruit of millennials around the world? Check!

Avocado juice is one of the unique Moroccan drinks you can buy – even if you don’t like avocado, it’s worth trying! The thick, creamy texture of the blended avocado is added to dates, almonds, and fruit pastry, creating a deliciously decadent beverage that will have you coming back for more. Other common additions include honey, cinnamon, and allspice to add flavor and depth to this refreshing summer drink. 

One important thing to know before ordering this traditional Moroccan drink is just how filling it is. Unless you’re absolutely ravenous, order avocado juice as a meal, not to wash one down. 

Khoudenjal Tea

It may seem counterintuitive, but hot tea is one of the best ways to cool down in warmer climates. The temperature stimulates your body’s cooling mechanisms, and you’ll begin to feel cooler in seconds. Khoudenjal is a tea-like drink that is popular in Morocco for its decadent flavor and luxurious spices. 

Combining sweet, woody spices like ginger and cinnamon, khoudenjal is often added to coffee and baked goods to enhance the flavors. During warmer months, this common Moroccan spice mix is sometimes brewed, mixed with tea leaves, and drunk as a tonic. 

Because of its spiritual connection, khoudenjal tea and spice mix is often sold by the bag around mosques in affluent neighborhoods.

Moroccan Wine

Moroccan Wine

Moroccan alcohol is not well-known worldwide, but it should definitely have more of a reputation than it does. The hot climates and nitrogen-rich soils mean that Morocco produces some of the sweetest grape crops globally, with higher yields and sugar contents in shorter periods of time. 

The unique thing about Morocco’s wine? It’s grey! Known also as vin gris, Moroccan grey wine is a curious export for a predominately Muslim country. This pale grey-pink beverage is delicate, light, and perfect for quaffing on a hot day. 

Moroccan Beer

Moroccan beer

It might seem unusual for a Muslim country to make alcohol, but Morocco makes it work. While not as well known as its Spanish or German cousins, Moroccan beer is a refreshing choice after a long day of exploring! The warm climate and brewing methods mean that Moroccan beer tends to be lighter, hoppier, and with less length than traditionally brewed lagers. 

Beer production in Morocco is relatively new, with the French introducing it to Marrakech during the early 20th century. Nowadays, Morocco’s premium lager Casablanca is sold in more than 80 countries worldwide. Get a bottle of this premium Moroccan alcohol and make up your own mind. 

Pomegranate Juice

pomegranate juice in Morocco

Considered the queen of fruits among many African nations, the pomegranate is a popular source of refreshment for Moroccans. The sugary papules are filled with fiber, natural sugars, and a light, tart taste that makes for a perfect snack or an even better juice. 

This traditional Moroccan drink is sold in jars or bottles at markets. Or sometimes even be freshly squeezed in front of you at up-market cafes and restaurants. While pomegranate juice is popular, the fruit only has a short three-month harvest, meaning that many locals will turn to POMS drink during the off-season.

In addition to finding pomegranate juice everywhere in Morocco, you’ll find it, well the actual pomegranate in many Moroccan salads.


This unique drink may not look appealing, but trust us – it tastes far better! This national drink of Morocco is made with fermented milk, sugar, and honey. The result is a semi-sour, almost sickly drink with a thick consistency similar to yogurt.

Common in the northern parts of the country, this national drink of Morocco often has orange flower or almonds added in. This is done during fermentation to infuse the liquid with additional flavors. While dairy might not seem like an intuitive choice for warm weather, raib is certainly the exception!

Moroccan Coffee (Nous Nous)

Countries like Spain, Italy, and Australia get credit for the high quality of their coffee. Many people don’t realize just how unique and delicious coffee is in Morocco. Infused with warm spices and a darker roast, this traditional Moroccan drink is rich, bitey, and oh-so-good for that extra caffeinated kick. 

The only downside of Moroccan coffee? While the taste is second-to-none, this Moroccan drink isn’t commonly found at markets or street carts. Instead, Moroccan coffee is often brewed at home. The strength of the coffee is altered to suit the individual. You can ask for a Moroccan coffee in a café or restaurant, but chances are you’ll be given a drink very similar to the one you could have ordered at home. 

Orange Juice

orange juice in Morocco

The hot weather and humid climate mean that sweating is a part of everyday life in Morocco. It’s important to replenish nutrients lost during the day, which is why sweet juices are so popular. 

Orange juice is one of the most prevalent juices in Morocco. You can often find street vendors hawking their wares outside mosques, busy squares, and on street corners. When you visit Marrakech, however, be careful of vendors selling orange juice on the streets.

Depending on where you are in the city, vendors will often take advantage of unsuspecting tourists. They sell pre-prepared, watered-down juice that may send you running for a bathroom. Instead, look for established juice joints that provide fresh squeezes and hygienic cups for the cleanest way to experience this Moroccan drink. 

Poms Drink

POMS is a pomegranate-based juice drink that is commonly sold in supermarkets around the world. While most Moroccans prefer fresh stuff, sometimes lack of rain or bad supply means that the long-life product is all that’s available. 

POMS is sweeter and more viscous than fresh pomegranate juice. It has the benefit of being more easily stored, with a longer shelf life for hard times. Most Moroccans will drink a shot of POMS with their breakfast meals. Not only is it sweet and refreshing, but pomegranate juice is also believed to promote heart health. 

Drinking In Morocco

The heat, humidity, and lifestyle in Morocco mean that good quality beverages are essential. This list covers only some of the most delicious drinks available in this unique country. If you’re not a fan of avocado juice, think orange juice is overrated, or have thought of something else we’ve missed, let us know in the comments!

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